12 Aug 2021 Validate Debt Item – Creditor or Credit Bureau – Follow up after 60 days Example #1 Creditor Name Creditor Address Creditor City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Date Dear CREDITOR NAME, Re: Account Name and Number As I have not heard back from you in over 60 days regarding my notice of dispute dated , and you have not supplied the demanded proof of the alleged debt, under the doctrine of estoppel by silence, Engelhardt v Gravens (Mo) 281 SW 715, 719, I may presume that no proof of the alleged debt, nor therefore any such debt, in fact exists. In a good faith effort to resolve this matter amicably, I restate my demand for proof of the debt, specifically the alleged contract or the other instrument bearing my signature, as well as proof of your authority in this matter. Absent such proof, you must terminate this collection action and correct any erroneous reports of this debt as mine. For the record, I state again that as I have no account with you, nor am I your customer, nor have I entered into a contract with you, I must ask for the following information: 1. Please evidence your authorization under 15 USC 1692 (e) and 15 USC (f) in this alleged matter. 2. What if your authorization of law for your collection of information? 3. What is your authorization of law for you collection of this alleged debt? 4. Please evidence your authorization to do business or operate in the state of Florida. 5. Please evidence proof of the alleged debt, including specifically the alleged contract or other instrument bearing my signature. You have fifteen (15) days from receipt of this notice to respond. Your failure to respond, on point, in writing, hand signed, and in a timely manner, will work as a waiver to any and all of your claims in this matter, and will entitle me to presume that you sent your letter(s) in error, and that this matter is permanently closed. You continued silence is unacceptable. Either provide the proof or correct the record to remove the invalid debt from my credit files with the three primary credit-reporting agencies. You are currently in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Act. Failure to respond within 15 days of receipt of this registered letter will result in a small claims action against your company. I will be seeking $5,000 in damages for the following: 1. Defamation 2. Negligent Enablement of Identity Fraud 3. Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act After obtaining the judgment against your company, I will obtain a Writ of Execution from the Sheriff’s office in your county and I will begin the process of attaching property or funds to satisfy the judgment. For the purposes of 15 USC 1692 et seq., this Notice has the same effect as a dispute to the validity of the alleged debt and a dispute to the validity of your claims. This Notice is an attempt to correct your records, and any information received from you will be collected as evidence should any further action be necessary. This is a request for information only, and is not a statements, election, or waiver of status. I affirm under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the Land for the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME   Validate Debt Item – Creditor or Credit Bureau – Example #1 Creditor Name Creditor Address Creditor City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Date Dear CREDITOR NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate and incomplete credit information. I am distressed that you included the information below in my credit profile, and that you have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports you publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100% accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. The following information therefore needs to be re-investigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof of this alleged item, specifically the contract, note or other instrument bearing my signature. Failing that, the item must be deleted from the report as soon as possible: Name of Creditors / Agency, Account # _______________ The listed item is entirely inaccurate and incomplete, and as such represents a very serious error in your reporting. Please delete this misleading information and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last six month, or the last two years for employment purposes. Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each grantor or other subscriber. Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your re investigation. Be advised that description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within fifteen (15) days of the completion of your re-investigation. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME   Validate Debt Item – Creditor or Credit Bureau – Follow up after 60 days – Example #1 Creditor Name Creditor Address Creditor City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Date Dear CREDITOR NAME, Re: Account Name and Number As I have not heard back from you in over 60 days regarding my notice of dispute dated , and you have not supplied the demand proof of the alleged debt, under the doctrine of estoppels by silence, Engelhardt v Gravens (Mo) 281 SW 715,719, I may presume that no proof of the alleged debt, nor therefore any such debt, in fact exists. In a good faith effort to resolve this matter amicably, I restate my demand for proof of the debt, specifically the alleged contract or other instrument bearing my signature, as well as proof of your authority in this matter. Absent such proof, you must terminate this collection action and correct any erroneous reports of this debt as mine. For record, I state again that as I have no account with you, nor am I your customer, nor have entered into a contract with you, I must ask for the following information: 1. Please evidence your authorization under 15 USC 1692 (e) and 15 USC 1692 (f) in this alleged matter. 2. What is your authorization of law for your collection of information? 3. What is your authorization of law for your collection of this alleged debt? 4. Please evidence your authorization to do business or operate in the state of Florida. 5. Please evidence proof of the alleged debt, including specifically the alleged contract or other instrument bearing my signature. You have fifteen (15) days from receipt of this notice to respond. Your failure to respond, on point in writing, hand signed, and in a timely manner, will work as a waiver to any and all of your claims in this matter, and will entitle me to presume that you sent your letter(s) in error, and that this matter is permanently closed. You continued silence is unacceptable. Either provide the proof or correct the record to remove the invalid debt from my credit files with the three primary credit-reporting agencies. You are currently in violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Act. Failure to respond within 15 days of receipt of this registered letter will result in a small claims action against your company. I will be seeking $5,000 in damages for the following: 1. Defamation 2. Negligent Enablement of Identity Fraud 3. Violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act After obtaining the judgment against your company, I will obtain a Writ of Execution from the Sheriff’s office in your county and I will begin the process of attaching property or funds to satisfy the judgment. For the purposes of 15 USC 1692 et seq., this Notice has the same effect as a dispute to the validity of the alleged debt and a dispute to the validity of your claims. This Notice is an attempt to correct your records, and any information received from you will be collected as evidence should any further action be necessary. This is a request for information only, and is not a statements, election, or waiver of status. I affirm under penalty of perjury under the Laws of the Land for the United States of America, that the foregoing is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME Still Dispute Account, No Validation Received, Direct to Credit Bureaus Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is to inform you that I still dispute this debt. After receiving your response to my original dispute letter, I contacted the original creditor who was unable to verify this account as mine. In my opinion, you have failed to validate this debt. I must remind you that I originally disputed this debt within the 30-day dispute period outlined in the FDCPA and that I am now also responding in a timely manner to your attempt to validate this debt. Because I still consider this debt as "still in dispute" I do not expect to hear from you again except to provide information or documentation to clear up my reasons for disputing this debt. I already advised you in my previous letter that I am fully aware of my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Reporting Act and that I will not hesitate to take all legal steps necessary to protect myself. Be advised that I am keeping accurate records of all correspondence including tape recording all phone calls. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Request to Describe Investigation Procedures – Credit Bureau – Example #1 Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is a formal request for the description of the procedures used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the disputed information, including the business name, address, and telephone number of any furnisher of information contacted in connection reinvestigation. I am disappointed that you have failed to maintain reasonable procedures to assure complete accuracy in the information you publish, and insist you comply with the law by providing the requested information within the 15 days allowed. For your benefit, and as a gesture of my goodwill, I will restate the relevant dispute: Name of Creditor / Agency, Account # ____________________ As already stated, the listed item is inaccurate and incomplete, and is a very serious error in reporting. Please supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes. Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Outdated Information to Credit Bureaus- Reason Item time Has Expired Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you concerning old and outdated information that is appearing on my credit report. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) negative information can only appear on my credit report for 7 to 10 years, depending on the item. These are the items in question, (insert old information). I request you to verify and remove any old and outdated accounts. Once you have completed any corrections please send me a new credit report reflecting the updated information. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Intention to File a Complaint with the FTC – Follow up after 30 days – Example#1 Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is a formal notice that you have failed to respond in a timely manner to my dispute letter of , deposited by registered mail with the U.S. Postal Service on that date. Federal law requires you to respond within 30 days, yet you have failed to respond. Failure to comply with these federal regulations by credit reporting agencies are investigated by the Federal Trade Commission (see 15 USC 41, et seq.). I am maintaining a careful record of my communications with you on this matter, for the purpose of filing a complaint with the FTC should you continue in your non-compliance. I further remind you that, as in Wenger v Trans Union Corp., No. 95-6445 (C.D.Cal. Nov. 14,1995), you may be liable for you willful non-compliance. Be aware that I am making a final good, will attempt to have you clear up this matter. You have 15 days to cure. For your benefit, and as a gesture of my goodwill, I will restate my dispute. The following information needs to be verified and, following failure to verify, deleted from the report as soon as possible: Name of Creditor/ Agency, Account #_________________ The listed item is entirely inaccurate and incomplete, and represents a very serious error in your reporting. Please delete this misleading information and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last six month, or last two years for employment purposes. Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber. Under federal law, you had thirty (30) days to complete your re-investigation, yet you have failed to respond. Do not delay any further. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within fifteen (15) days of the completion of your re-investigation. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Notice to Credit Bureaus of Intent to File a Complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, Reason No Response Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you to advise you of my intentions to file a formal complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. I have contacted you in writing requesting that you investigate and correct inaccurate information in my credit file. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) you have 30 days to investigate these inaccuracies. I have not received any response from you and the inaccurate information still appears in my file. I am demanding you to take the appropriate steps necessary to address, correct and delete the inaccurate information reporting in my file. Once you have  done this in a timely manner, please send me a updated copy of my credit file reflecting the changes and the items deleted. If you ignore my request I will be forced to formally file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission.(Don't forget to provide a copy of the letters you recently sent to the credit agency regarding these disputes) Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER No Response to Prior Dispute Letter to Credit Bureaus Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is formal notice that you have failed to respond to my dispute letter of date. I sent this letter registered mail and have enclosed a copy of the return receipt which you signed on some date. As you are well aware, federal law requires you to respond within 30 days. It has now been over that period since your receipt of my letter. As you are no doubt aware, failure to comply with federal regulations by credit reporting agencies are in serious violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and may be investigated by the FTC. Obviously, I am maintaining detailed records of all my correspondence with you. I am aware that you may have misplaced my letters or have failed to respond to my letter because of an oversight due to the high volume of the requests you receive daily. If this is the case, I'm sure you'll want to handle this matter as soon as possible. For this purpose, I have included a copy of my original request, the dated receipt of your reception of the original letter and a copy of the proof verifying the incorrectness of the credit item you have mistakenly placed on my records. The following information therefore needs to be verified and deleted from the report as soon as possible: ENTER CREDITOR INFORMATION HERE Please delete this erroneous item from my credit report as soon as possible. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER General Credit Bureau Dispute, Reason Inaccurate Information Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate credit information. I am very distressed that you have included the below information in my credit profile due to its damaging effects on my good credit standing. As you are no doubt aware, credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only accurate credit information. No doubt the inclusion of this inaccurate information is a mistake on either your or the reporting creditor's part. Because of the mistakes on my credit report, I have been wrongfully denied credit recently for a , which was highly embarrassing and has negatively impacted my lifestyle. The following information therefore needs to be verified and deleted from the report as soon as possible: CREDITOR AGENCY, acct. 123-34567-ABC Please delete the above information as quickly as possible. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER General Credit Bureau Dispute, Reason Accounts Don’t Belong to Me Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. These accounts do not belong to me do not belong to me. I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: (list accounts here) After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER General Credit Bureau Dispute, Reason Inaccurate Information Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I've just reviewed my credit report and have noticed there are several inaccurate items on my report: LIST ACCOUNT NAMES AND ACCOUNT NUMBERS I have enclosed a copy of my driver's licence as proof of identity. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Failure to Respond Dispute, Intent to File Suite, Credit Bureaus Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number NOTICE OF INTENT TO FILE FORMAL FTC COMPLAINT This letter shall serve as formal notice of my intent to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), due to your failure to respond to my two previous letters requesting a correction to my credit file. As indicated by the enclosed copies of letters and mailing receipts, you have received from me by registered mail, a dispute letter dated {date of initial letter}, as well as a follow-up letter, dated {date of second letter}. I am sure that you are aware of the Fair Credit Reporting Act's requirement to respond to consumer's credit report disputes within 30 days, and that the FTC investigates complaints for failure to respond. I have advised you on two separate occasions, more than 75 days ago and again 40 days ago that you are reporting inaccurate information about me. For the record and your benefit, I will restate my dispute: Line Item: {insert name of creditor, account number or line item number) Item Description: (this info is found on your credit report) Requested Correction: (describe exactly what you want. If you want an item deleted say so and explain why. If you want an item corrected or updated, provide the correct information such as names, dates, amounts and so forth and any evidence to support your claim). “The item above is completely (insert appropriate word: inaccurate, incorrect, incomplete, erroneous, misleading, outdated) and needs to be corrected immediately. I have enclosed a copy of your organization’s credit report dated {insert date of report here} and for your convenience, circled the item(s) described above. If you do not immediately take steps to resolve this issue, I will be forced to file a formal complaint with the FTC. Furthermore, I intend to consider seeking redress in civil court to recover damages, costs, and attorney fees, should you fail to respond. Furthermore I expect you to supply me with a description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the disputed information, provide a corrected credit profile to me, all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, and the last 2 years for employment purposes and the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber who have received a copy of my credit profile within the last 6 months. If your re-investigation was negative, please supply the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information to my address above. If you have any questions concerning this matter I can be reached at (insert daytime phone number including area code). Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Dispute Public Records with Credit Bureaus, Reason They Don’t Belong to Me Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number While reviewing my personal credit report (insert report number) I noticed some inaccuracies in the public records area of my file. I am requesting an investigation be conducted and verify that the information on  (insert public records and case numbers, ie. Bankruptcy or Judgments) is correct. I believe this may be an error because this/these do not belong to me. Please verify and remove them from my file and send me an updated credit report reflecting the accurate information. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Dispute Items – Credit Bureau – Example Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number Your company is currently reporting a negative listing to the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax) regarding the above referenced account. Based on my recollection and my records, I can find no reason for you reporting such history. If you’ll review your records I think you fill find your reported notations are inaccurate. The erroneous status of your credit reporting agency record is unacceptable and is preventing me from obtaining necessary financing. Pursuant to Title 15, Section 1666 of the United States Code, I formally request the following documentary evidence pertaining to my account. 1. A copy of the original credit application showing the terms of the agreement. 2. A summary of all account activities, including all payments made, late charges, interest, date of payments received, date of payments posted, charges made, and date of charges posted. 3. Copies of all documents and financial instruments used to pay the disputed late payments. 4. Copies of all charges slips, invoices, promissory notes, and all other documents proving indebtedness. 5. Copies of all documents sent to me regarding my account. The information and documentation is critical and time is the essence. Within less than thirty (30) days, I will be damaged partially because of the discrepancy with your reported records. The above noted code requires your response within thirty (30) days. Your prompt attention will be greatly appreciated. I hereby request that your response be mailed to the address listed below. If you find that your information and documentation does not support the negative history reported to the three credit bureaus, I invite you to submit a completed Universal Data Form to said bureaus in order to remove the negative notations. Upon removal of the negative notations, I agree to hold your company harmless from any and all inconvenience and/or damage related thereto. I appreciate your prompt response and cooperation. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Dispute Items – Credit Bureau – Example #1 Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am writing to dispute the validity of the above referenced item pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The Fair Credit Reporting Act requires you to verify the validity of the item within 30 days. If the validity can not be verified, you are obligated by law to remove the item. In the event that you can not verify the item pursuant to the Fair Credit Report Act, and you continue to list the disputed item on my credit report I will find it necessary to sue you for actual damages and declaratory relief under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Because the Fair Credit Reporting Act provides concurrent jurisdiction in federal and state courts, I shall elect to use the to bring appropriate action against you. While I prefer not to litigate, I will use the courts as needed to enforce my rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I look forward to an uneventful resolution of this matter. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Dispute Item “Not Mine” – Example #1 Creditor Name Creditor Address Creditor City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Date Dear CREDITOR NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I have recently received a copy of my credit report. The Equifax report had an account listed from your company as a credit card. I disputed the account with the credit bureau as “not mine” but it recently came back as verified. I am writing this letter to you in an effort to get this removed. Please delete your information from my credit reports. I have never had an account with your company. If someone has opened an account in my name, please close it immediately before further harm is done. I am requesting that you notify all of credit bureaus that this account is “disputed” or that you delete this account until this matter is resolved. This is required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. If there is any paperwork that I need to sign to confirm that this account is not mine, please send the required documents. This is a written dispute of the this account per the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the Fair Credit Billing Act. Please be aware that I am exercising all of my rights per these laws and all other applicable laws protecting me. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME Dispute Item – Creditor or Credit Bureau- Example #2 Creditor Name Creditor Address Creditor City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Date Dear CREDITOR NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is a formal complaint that you are reporting inaccurate and incomplete credit information. I am distressed that you have included the information below in my credit profile and that you have failed to maintain reasonable procedures in your operations to assure maximum possible accuracy in the credit reports your publish. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report only 100% accurate credit information. Every step must be taken to assure the information reported is completely accurate and correct. The following information therefore needs to be re-investigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof of this alleged item, specifically the contract, note or other instrument bearing my signature. Failing that, the item must be deleted from the report as soon possible: Name of Creditor/ Agency, Account # ____________ The listed item is entirely inaccurate and incomplete, and as such represents a very serious error in your reporting. Please delete this misleading information and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last six months, or the last two years for employment purposes. Additionally, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber. Under federal law, you have thirty (30) days to complete your re-investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within fifteen (15) days of the completion of your re-investigation. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME Discharged Bankruptcy to the Credit Bureaus Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number The accounts listed on my credit report were included and discharged in bankruptcy. I am providing you a list of those accounts, along with a copy of my discharge notice. Please update my credit report to show the accurate information along with a zero balance on these accounts. The list of items and the account numbers include: (list items here, also provide copy of accounts listed on your bankruptcy application) Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureaus, Reason Double Billing Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number Below is an account that is being adversely reported on my credit report. A review of my records has shown that this creditor was Double Billing me during the time they are reporting I was late. ACCOUNT NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER Please investigate this creditor immediately as this item is most definitely being reported inaccurately and should be removed from my account. Further I will be asking the creditor directly for documentation relating to the details of my pay history with them as they are required to provide per the Fair Billing Act. Please investigate and remove this item from my credit history as I know the creditor cannot accurately verify this information as it is incorrect.  Please contact me with any questions. Thank you, Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureaus, Reason Don’t Understand Items Please Investigate Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I recently obtained a copy of my credit report. I am not understanding these derogatory accounts. I do not remember as ever having an account with any of these creditors. Please remove these. Please also provide me with an updated report when you are finished. CREDIT ITEM IN QUESTION Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Bottom of Form Credit Bureaus, Reason Creditor Agreed to Delete Account Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I have recently spoken with the creditor _______________. I have contacted this company challenging the validity of a late payment showing from many years ago. In response to their error, they have agreed to delete the account from my credit history. Please remove this item from my credit history. When complete, please send an updated copy of my credit report including my new credit score. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureaus, Reason Correct Personal Information Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I have reviewed my report recently. There were names and addresses on it that are incorrect - spelling errors or just plain wrong. PLEASE fix EVERYTHING in my personal information that is NOT the following: 1. My Name: This is my legal name:  [Your First Name] [Your Last Name] Please delete any other references to names as they are not mine and I have never used any of them. 2. My Address: Also, please be sure that my address is listed correctly. My address should read: [AddressLine1] [CityStatePostalCode] Please send me a new report when you are completed so I may continue to verify its' accuracy. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Top of Form Bottom of Form Credit Bureaus, Reason Collection Company Failed to Delete Item they Agreed to Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number Attached please find a letter I received from a collection agency on ________.  The letter states: “We have also deleted this collection item from your credit report.”  Clearly the agency failed to do so, as the collection record shows on my credit report as “________”. The item in question is: ENTER CREDITOR NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMER Please remove this item from my credit history immediately as the creditor and I both have requested. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Wrong Status Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The status you are reporting for this account is incorrect, and doesn’t match my records. I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Wrong High Credit Limit Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The high-credit-limit you are reporting for this account is incorrect, and doesn’t match my records.  I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Wrong Default Date Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The date you have this item reported as a charge-off doesn’t match my records.  I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Wrong Creditor Information Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. I do not recognize this creditor on my report at all. I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Wrong Credit Limit Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The credit limit you are reporting is incorrect, and doesn’t match my records.  I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Wrong Balance Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The balance you are reporting I owe is incorrect, and doesn’t match my records.  I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Wrong Account Number Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The account number listed on my report doesn’t match any of my records. I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Verification Procedure Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number RE: Formal Request for Verification Procedures FCRA § 611. Procedure in case of disputed accuracy [15 U.S.C. § 1681i] To Whom It May Concern: I received notice that you verified certain tradelines on my credit report from the following companies: ACCOUNT NAME AND NUMBER Please tell me how you did that. Who did you talk to at the original credit grantor? Did you write them? Was a UDF form used or was this through electronic automatic dispute verification? Did you contact them at the same address/phone number listed on my report? The FCRA says that you have to tell me this in 15 days if I ask. Don't provide the generic response of how you use various methods. Tell me exactly how you verified them and include the full name of the person you spoke with. Also, what is the date of the commencement of delinquency? The original creditor is required to give that to you. So when is that? And when will this tradeline be past the reporting timeframe? Don't provide the generic "7 years" response; I am aware of that. Tell me specifically when these accounts allegedly became delinquent, and specifically when they will be removed. Some of these accounts are reporting as charged off as well as being included in bankruptcy. So, which is it? Supply your response within 15 days or delete the tradelines. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, These Items I Don’t Recall Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number Thank you for deleting some of the accounts which incorrectly appeared on my credit report. However, I still dispute the following remaining items. Some of them I don't recall/remember are STILL on my report. Some of these creditors I have never heard of and/or do not have any contact information for the creditor. In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 1681i, I ask that you reinvestigate these items and delete them from my report. [AccountItemList] Furthermore, I would appreciate the names of the individuals you contacted for verification, along with their addresses and phone number so I may follow up. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Bottom of Form Credit Bureau Dispute, These Accounts Are Not Mine Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number Please investigate the following accounts. I'm not sure they are all mine. I cannot remember. I understand that mistakes happen but this inaccurate information is costing me in higher interest rates and I have enough expenses as it is. I'm hoping these end up all deleted so I can get a loan! ACCOUNT NAME AND NUMBER Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Bottom of Form Credit Bureau Dispute, Reason The Amount Listed I Owe Is Inaccurate Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The amount that is reported I owe is inaccurate as it is reported. I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER   Bottom of Form Credit Bureau Dispute, Reason Outdated Reporting Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is a formal request to remove outdated information from my credit report. For easy reference, I've listed the items below which are outdated. Line Item {insert number}: {insert name and date of item} In accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 605 [15 U.S.C. § 1681c] "Running of Reporting Period", as of December 29, 1997, reporting periods only run 7 or 10 years depending on the type of information. In my case, the information in question expired as of [insert date]. I respectfully ask you to investigate my claim and if you find my claim to be valid then I expect you to immediately remove the outdated items identified in this letter and any additional outdated items that you discover during your investigation. Furthermore, after correcting my credit file, I request that you forward a corrected copy of my credit report to me at the address listed at the top of this letter. Finally, if your investigation determines the information is not outdated, I respectfully request you forward to me a description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the item in question. In accordance with the FCRA I respectfully request you forward this information within 15 days of the completion of your re-investigation. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation in resolving this matter. If you have any questions concerning this issue I can be reached at: {insert daytime phone number including area code). Sincerely, Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER   Credit Bureau Dispute, Reason Items are Erroneous and Unverifiable Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is a formal request to correct inaccurate information contained in my credit file. The item(s) listed below is/are completely (insert appropriate word(s) {inaccurate, incorrect, incomplete, erroneous, misleading, outdated} ). I have listed the items below which are incorrect and need to be deleted from my credit file. Line Item: {insert name of creditor, account number or line item number) Item Description: (this info is found on your credit report) In accordance with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), I respectfully request you investigate my claim and, if after your investigation, you find my claim to be valid and accurate, I request that you immediately {delete, update, correct} the item. Furthermore, I request that you supply a corrected copy of my credit profile to me and all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes. Additionally, please provide me with the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber that you provided a copy of my credit report too within the past six months. If your investigation shows the information to be accurate, I respectfully request that you forward to me a description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the item in question within 15 days of the completion of your re-investigation as required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I thank you for your consideration and cooperation. If you have any questions concerning this matter I can be reached at (insert daytime phone number including area code). Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Reason I Didn’t Pay Late Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. These accounts were never paid late as it is reported. I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, No Valid Investigation Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I have disputed the below items several times with you to no avail. You sent correspondence stating the account in question “WAS PREVIOUSLY INVESTIGATED.” I proceeded to access my consumer report via [Recipient Name]'s website and make copies of the information pertaining to: ACCOUNT NAME AND NUMBER 15 U.S.C. § 1681i(a)(1)(a) requires that each time a consumer reporting agency receives a dispute, it shall reinvestigate free of charge, record the current status of the disputed information or delete the item from the file within 30 days, beginning on the date the dispute was received unless the account is determined to be frivolous or irrelevant. While the correspondence that was sent by [Recipient Name] indicates the account was previously investigated, it does NOT however state whether the dispute was determined to be frivolous or irrelevant. It has been over 30 days since [Recipient Name] received my dispute and I have not received any other notices that my dispute was determined as being frivolous or irrelevant and yet the item still remains on my file with a last investigation. Based on the previous information, I am hereby demanding deletion of the adove accounts from my [Recipient Name] file pursuant to 15 U.S.C. § 1681i(a)(1)(a). I will NOT accept another reinvestigation of the account, ONLY deletion. [Recipient Name] has 10 days from the receipt of this letter to cure or else I will be forced to immediately proceed with litigation to recover damages caused by [Recipient Name]'s willful and negligent noncompliance of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. If the account in question is removed from my files within the 10-day timeframe as previously stated, I will consider the matter to be closed and no further action will be taken. I look forward to an amicable solution to this matter. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Top of Form Credit Bureau Dispute, Identity Theft with Police Report and FTC Complaint Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am writing to dispute the following information in my file.  The items I dispute are listed below. I am a victim of identity theft and did not make the charge.  I ask that the item be blocked to correct my credit report. I reported the theft of my identity to both the Police and Federal Trade Commission and I also have enclosed copies of the Federal Trade Commission’s Identity Theft Affidavit, and the Police Report for this case.  Please investigate these matters and block the disputed item as soon as possible. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, I Have No Idea What These Accounts Are Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I recently obtained a copy of my credit report, which contains accounts I can't remember ever having! I have no idea what these accounts are and request they be removed. I am NOT claiming fraud or identity theft - I do not honestly remember. CREDIT ACCOUNT NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER When my credit report has been corrected please send a corrected report to me. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, General No Reason Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is to request you to remove inaccurate information from my credit report. Such inaccurate information has affected my chances of getting loans and credit. For your convenience, I have supplied a list of inaccurate accounts below. I hereby request you to make the changes within 30 days so as to avoid any violation of the FCRA. Please send me a copy of the changed credit report at the earliest. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, General No Reason 1 Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am writing for two (2) reasons: 1. To dispute certain information in my credit file; and 2. To have you investigate/re-investigate and remove inaccurate information from my Credit Report and prevent its re-insertion.The item(s) I dispute are identified below. This item is inaccurate.  I am requesting that the item be deleted from my credit5 records. ACCOUNT NAME AND NUMBER Please reinvestigate this (these) matter(s) and (delete or correct) the disputed items within the time frame required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and inform me in writing of the outcome.Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, General No Reason for Dispute Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I recently obtained a copy of my credit report from your service and have found the following items to be in error. CREDITOR NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER According to Section 611 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, I am requesting that you re-investigate those items indicated, and promptly delete any unverifiable, inaccurate, or outdated information from my credit report. In addition, I am requesting a description of how the investigation was conducted along with the name, address, and telephone number of anyone contacted for information. Furthermore, if there is a change in my credit history resulting from your investigation, I am requesting that an updated report be sent to those who received my report, within the last two years for employment purposes, or within the last one year for any other purpose. Please send me an updated copy of my report, and notification that items have been deleted. I will consider 30 days a reasonable time for your re-verification of these items. Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Dates Reported Are Inaccurate Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am contacting you because I have found some information that is inaccurate on my credit report. The dates you are reporting for this account don’t match my records.  I request that you verify the information and remove any inaccurate information from my credit report as quickly as possible. The items in question are: CREEDITORS NAME AND ACCOUNT NUMBER After doing so please provide me with an updated credit report reflecting the changes. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Creditor Won’t Respond to Me Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number Please delete these accounts. The furnishers will not respond to my repeated attempts for validation. I do not know what else to do but do understand the debts on ones report need to be verifiable. These are not. Please delete them and send me a full report when you complete this request so I may continue to review my personal information etc for inaccuracies and unverifiable information. ACCOUNT NAME AND NUMBER Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Bottom of Form   Credit Bureau Dispute, Creditor Won’t Respond to Dispute Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This is a request for deletion of these disputed items. I have attempted to have this inaccurate and incomplete reporting verified by the furnisher of information to no avail. I am respectfully requesting that you do what is legally mandated by the FCRA and delete the account listing from my consumer file because it is unverifiable. You received a notice of dispute from me resulting in you advising me that the account had been verified. Knowing that the information could not in fact be verified, I proceeded to dispute the information and request verification directly from the furnisher of information, as the FCRA provides. After disputing with the furnisher, they have failed to provide any proof or respond in any way. In fact - after THREE letters to them they have STILL not responded which started over 90 days ago! The FCRA states that information reported must be accurate and complete, updated and verifiable. It also provides for a dispute mechanism that is initiated by the consumer through the consumer reporting agency and the furnisher of information. As detailed above, I have disputed the information for the referenced account, with both you and the furnisher of information directly. I have exhausted all recourse provided for resolution of erroneous information, but the information still remains on my consumer report. The FCRA provides a cause of action for an individual consumer as well as penalties and liabilities for both consumer reporting agencies and furnishers of information for non-compliance with its provisions. It is evident that the information reported cannot be verified and therefore must be deleted as required. When a debt is disputed under either mechanism, a notation must be entered on the debtor's report showing the item as being in dispute. Again, this was not done and is a further violation of the FCRA. Pursuant to the FCRA, if no proof of debt exists and the information reported is not verifiable, it may not be furnished to the consumer reporting agenices nor reported by them. The FCRA also states that consumer reporting agencies must accept written proof from the debtor. Therefore, I am not asking for an investigation to be done, I am requesting that the entry be deleted in its entirety as there is no proof of its existence and the information presently reported is not verifiable. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Bottom of Form Credit Bureau Dispute, Addresses Don’t Match Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number This letter is in reference to my credit report that I purchased. Enclosed you will find a copy of the returned undeliverable mail. You will note the delivery address on the envelope matches the information provided on my credit report exactly. The responsibility of the data furnisher is outlined in the FCRA, section 623. In part, it states: "The FCRA prohibits information furnishers from providing information to a consumer reporting agency (“CRA”) that they know (or consciously avoid knowing) is inaccurate. However, the furnisher is not subject to this general prohibition if it clearly and conspicuously specifies an address to which consumers may write to notify the furnisher that certain information is inaccurate. Sections 623(a)(1)(A) and (a)(1)(C )" You are hereby notified that the data furnisher has not clearly and conspicuously provided an address in which to conduct a dispute of inaccurate information. If this information continues to report on my credit files, you will not be held harmless for knowingly reporting false information. I demand deletion of this tradeline from my report. Your compliance is expected and appreciated. Please send me an updated report when complete. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Status Dispute Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number I am writing to dispute inaccurate account status on my credit report. The above referred accounts are listed as "bankruptcy" whereas they should have been shown in the credit report as "charge-off", "past due" and "delinquent" respectively. Such incorrect listing have lowered my credit score and prevented me from buying a home of my own. I have attached a copy of my bankruptcy discharge order as proof. Please take a note of the dates and update the account status at the earliest. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Credit Bureau Dispute, Dates Reporting Dispute Credit Bureau Name Credit Bureau Address Credit Bureau City, State, and Zip Code Your Name Your Address Your City, State, and Zip Code Your Date of Birth Your Social Security Number Date Dear CREDIT BUREAU NAME, Re: Account Name and Number My bank has informed me that there is negative information included in the credit file maintained under my Social Security Number _________. Upon ordering a copy of the report, I find that there is an entry from this creditor___________ in _____date reported_______.  However, I do not recall having such a debt in this year. Please validate this information with [bank name] and provide me with copies of any documents related to this listing bearing my signature. In absence of such documents bearing my signature, I request for this information to be deleted from the file you maintain under my Social Security Number. Thank you for your time, YOUR SIGNATURE YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER